interface MakerAppImageConfigOptions {
    actions?: Record<
        FreeDesktopAction & Partial<Record<string, null | string>>,
    bin?: string;
    categories?: (
        | "Video"
        | "Audio"
        | "AudioVideo"
        | "Development"
        | "Education"
        | "Game"
        | "Graphics"
        | "Network"
        | "Office"
        | "Science"
        | "Settings"
        | "System"
        | "Utility"
        | "Building"
        | "Debugger"
        | "IDE"
        | "GUIDesigner"
        | "Profiling"
        | "RevisionControl"
        | "Translation"
        | "Calendar"
        | "Database"
        | "Dictionary"
        | "Email"
        | "Finance"
        | "Chart"
        | "FlowChart"
        | "PDA"
        | "Presentation"
        | "Spreadsheet"
        | "WordProcessor"
        | "Scanning"
        | "OCR"
        | "Photography"
        | "ContactManagement"
        | "ProjectManagement"
        | "2DGraphics"
        | "3DGraphics"
        | "VectorGraphics"
        | "RasterGraphics"
        | "Publishing"
        | "Viewer"
        | "TextTools"
        | "TextEditor"
        | "DesktopSettings"
        | "HardwareSettings"
        | "Printing"
        | "PackageManager"
        | "Dialup"
        | "InstantMessaging"
        | "Chat"
        | "IRCClient"
        | "Feed"
        | "FileTransfer"
        | "HamRadio"
        | "News"
        | "P2P"
        | "RemoteAccess"
        | "Telephony"
        | "TelephonyTools"
        | "VideoConference"
        | "WebDevelopment"
        | "WebBrowser"
        | "Midi"
        | "Mixer"
        | "Sequencer"
        | "Tuner"
        | "TV"
        | "AudioVideoEditing"
        | "Player"
        | "Recorder"
        | "DiscBurning"
        | "RolePlaying"
        | "Shooter"
        | "Sports"
        | "ActionGame"
        | "AdventureGame"
        | "ArcadeGame"
        | "BoardGame"
        | "BlocsGame"
        | "CardGame"
        | "KidsGame"
        | "LogicGame"
        | "SportsGame"
        | "StrategyGame"
        | "Simulation"
        | "Art"
        | "Construction"
        | "Music"
        | "Languages"
        | "ArtificialIntelligence"
        | "Astronomy"
        | "Biology"
        | "Chemistry"
        | "ComputerScience"
        | "DataVisualization"
        | "Economy"
        | "Electricity"
        | "Geography"
        | "Geology"
        | "Geoscience"
        | "History"
        | "Humanities"
        | "ImageProcessing"
        | "Literature"
        | "Maps"
        | "Math"
        | "NumericalAnalysis"
        | "MedicalSoftware"
        | "Physics"
        | "Robotics"
        | "Spirituality"
        | "ParallelComputing"
        | "Amusement"
        | "Archiving"
        | "Compression"
        | "Electronics"
        | "Engineering"
        | "FileTools"
        | "FileManager"
        | "Filesystem"
        | "Monitor"
        | "Security"
        | "Emulator"
        | "TerminalEmulator"
        | "Accessibility"
        | "Calculator"
        | "Clock"
        | "Documentation"
        | "Adult"
        | "Core"
        | "KDE"
        | "GNOME"
        | "XFCE"
        | "GTK"
        | "Qt"
        | "Motif"
        | "Java"
        | "ConsoleOnly"
    compressor?: "xz"
    | "gzip"
    | "lz4"
    | "lzo"
    | "zstd"
    | "lzma";
    desktopFile?: string;
    genericName?: string;
    icon?: string;
    name?: string;
    productName?: string;
    runtime?: string | URL;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


actions?: Record<
    FreeDesktopAction & Partial<Record<string, null | string>>,

Actions to be used within a generated desktop file.

bin?: string

Name of the executable to put into the Exec field of generated .desktop file.

Defaults to

categories?: (
    | "Video"
    | "Audio"
    | "AudioVideo"
    | "Development"
    | "Education"
    | "Game"
    | "Graphics"
    | "Network"
    | "Office"
    | "Science"
    | "Settings"
    | "System"
    | "Utility"
    | "Building"
    | "Debugger"
    | "IDE"
    | "GUIDesigner"
    | "Profiling"
    | "RevisionControl"
    | "Translation"
    | "Calendar"
    | "Database"
    | "Dictionary"
    | "Email"
    | "Finance"
    | "Chart"
    | "FlowChart"
    | "PDA"
    | "Presentation"
    | "Spreadsheet"
    | "WordProcessor"
    | "Scanning"
    | "OCR"
    | "Photography"
    | "ContactManagement"
    | "ProjectManagement"
    | "2DGraphics"
    | "3DGraphics"
    | "VectorGraphics"
    | "RasterGraphics"
    | "Publishing"
    | "Viewer"
    | "TextTools"
    | "TextEditor"
    | "DesktopSettings"
    | "HardwareSettings"
    | "Printing"
    | "PackageManager"
    | "Dialup"
    | "InstantMessaging"
    | "Chat"
    | "IRCClient"
    | "Feed"
    | "FileTransfer"
    | "HamRadio"
    | "News"
    | "P2P"
    | "RemoteAccess"
    | "Telephony"
    | "TelephonyTools"
    | "VideoConference"
    | "WebDevelopment"
    | "WebBrowser"
    | "Midi"
    | "Mixer"
    | "Sequencer"
    | "Tuner"
    | "TV"
    | "AudioVideoEditing"
    | "Player"
    | "Recorder"
    | "DiscBurning"
    | "RolePlaying"
    | "Shooter"
    | "Sports"
    | "ActionGame"
    | "AdventureGame"
    | "ArcadeGame"
    | "BoardGame"
    | "BlocsGame"
    | "CardGame"
    | "KidsGame"
    | "LogicGame"
    | "SportsGame"
    | "StrategyGame"
    | "Simulation"
    | "Art"
    | "Construction"
    | "Music"
    | "Languages"
    | "ArtificialIntelligence"
    | "Astronomy"
    | "Biology"
    | "Chemistry"
    | "ComputerScience"
    | "DataVisualization"
    | "Economy"
    | "Electricity"
    | "Geography"
    | "Geology"
    | "Geoscience"
    | "History"
    | "Humanities"
    | "ImageProcessing"
    | "Literature"
    | "Maps"
    | "Math"
    | "NumericalAnalysis"
    | "MedicalSoftware"
    | "Physics"
    | "Robotics"
    | "Spirituality"
    | "ParallelComputing"
    | "Amusement"
    | "Archiving"
    | "Compression"
    | "Electronics"
    | "Engineering"
    | "FileTools"
    | "FileManager"
    | "Filesystem"
    | "Monitor"
    | "Security"
    | "Emulator"
    | "TerminalEmulator"
    | "Accessibility"
    | "Calculator"
    | "Clock"
    | "Documentation"
    | "Adult"
    | "Core"
    | "KDE"
    | "GNOME"
    | "XFCE"
    | "GTK"
    | "Qt"
    | "Motif"
    | "Java"
    | "ConsoleOnly"

List of desktop file categories to append.

compressor?: "xz" | "gzip" | "lz4" | "lzo" | "zstd" | "lzma"

Use given compressor for SquashFS filesystem.

Defaults to mksquashfs binary defaults (usually gzip).


desktopFile?: string

Path to desktop file to be used instead of generating a new one.

genericName?: string

Generic name of the application used in .desktop file.

icon?: string

Path to icon to use for the application (shortcut, launchers etc.).

name?: string

Name of the package (lowercase & hypens only). Makers sanitize this value with a chance of encountering a failure for unsanitizable strings.

Defaults to sanitized

productName?: string

Human-friendly name of the application.

Defaults to packageJSON.productName.

runtime?: string | URL

A file location, from which runtime should be fetched. Can be remote URL that is supported by Node.js fetch or file path.

Default is generated as:
